Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Last Mimzy

Paula's Review:
Good movie for the family. My girls really liked this and we have watched it many times. It's about a brother and sister who find a box of strange toys from the future. Both children start to develop strange abilities as they play with the toys. This has a great story line and keeps you guessing.

I give it a 4 out of 5
Lon's Review:
Good movie. I liked the pace and story. The best thing I can say about any movie is that it is entertaining and this was. It was especially nice as the kids could watch it unattended (not to scary, gory, or violent).
I give it a 4 out of 5

PG, 2007

Amazing Grace

Paula's review:
This movie is about the William Wilberforce an English Politician who fought for the abolition of the slave trade. Ioan Gruffud is the leading actor. Ioan is one of my favorite actors. He does a great job with English time period acting. This movie is difficult to watch because of the subject. I wanted to see it, but I struggled through it. Not one I would recommend to anyone for entertainment, but if your interested in learning some history it is well made.
I give it 3 out of 5

PG, 2006

Becoming Jane

Paula's review:
This is about the Author Jane Austin(duh). Anyway, I was disappointed. I love Jane Austin books and I think I was expecting too much out of this. This was something to fill time, but isn't one that I will watch over and over. I like the actors in the movie and thought they did a good job of portraying the time period.

I give this 3 out of 5

PG, 2007

Knocked Up

Paula's review:
Unrated otherwise no one could watch it. Its really bad. Very explicit. Language, skin, drugs, alcohol, etc... Okay so why did I watch as much as I did? I really like Katherine Heigl. She does a good job being pregnant and acting emotional (normal pregnant women stuff).
I give this a 1 out of 5
Unrated, should be R+
Lon's Review:
Superbad... Oh, that was a different movie... But the moniker still fits! I didn't enjoy this movie at all. It did have a redeeming quality in the end but if I mentioned it I woulod need a spoiler alert. Too much effort to set that up for this movie...
1 out of 5


Paula's review:
This is a very interesting show. Lots of plot changes and unpredictability. I am not a huge Nicholas Cage fan, but I liked this. Jessica Biel (why can't I have her body?)does a great job as his love interest. Not a show to watch with kids due to violence.

I give this 4 out of 5.
Lon's Review:
Great movie first time thru... Entertaining with good suspense. There are some "duhhhh" moments but overall well worth the watch.
4 out of 5

PG 13, 2007

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Harry Potter "Goblet of Fire"

Paula's Review:
In the fourth book and fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry competes in the Tri-Wizard tournament. With help from his friends and teachers Harry is able to make it to the finals were he meets up with Voldemort. I enjoyed watching and re-watching this one. Its fast pace and the addition of all the new characters adds some depth to the story.
I give this 4 out of 5.

PG-13, 2005

Harry Potter "Prizoner of Azkaban"

Paula's review:
This one is a little darker than the first 2. My girls were scared of the werewolf fight with the dog. Otherwise this was a good movie. I liked that Harry met his god father, Serious Black and learned more about his parents. Professor Lupin who is the, defense against the dark arts teacher in this one, is a really good teacher for Harry. It is too bad that he has to leave. Ron, Hermone and Harry's relationships grow stronger and they find themselves even more aware of Voldemorts attempts to get to

I give this 4 out of 5

PG, 2004

Harry Potter "Chamber of Secrets"

Paula's Review:
This is the 2nd in the series. Harry and his friendships continue to get stronger and his knowledge of magic increases. Harry shows how loyal he is to Dumbledore and to the school when he discovers Voldemorts younger self under Hogwarts . Again I like the moral lessons learned in the story about friendship and loyalty.
I give this 4 out of 5.


Harry Potter "The Sorcerer's Stone"

Paula's review:
We are Harry Potter fans. So we are probably biased. I love watching this one and seeing how young the actors were. I liked the fact that Harry learns about his parents and his abilities. Then he meets Ron and Hermone and develops those friendships. My favorite part of this movie is when Hagrid gives Dudley a pigs tail.
I give this 5 out of 5.

PG, 2001

Don't Mess with the Zohan

Paula's review:
DO NOT GO SEE THIS. Derek and I walked out. It is awful. YUCK. The worst Adam Sandler movie I have ever seen. Using Lon's negative count this gets -100 out of 5.

PG-13 should be R

Friday, July 4, 2008

National Treasure 2

Paula's Review:
I liked this movie but didn't love it. It filled some time, but isn't one that I will watch over and over. I think after the first one, this one was more predictable. I give it 3 out of 5.

Lon's Review:
Hmmmmm... Decent movie but as Paula said, predictable. I didn't love it because the fun puzzles from the first became to easy to resolve in this one. I like to watch it as a background movie while I'm working on the computer... I'll agree with the 3 out of 5

PG, 2007

Hair Spray

Paula's Review:

Funny, funny, funny... I don't know if was more funny because I went with a bunch of girls or the thought of a big guy like John Travolta dressing up as a women. He did so good. If you like musical comedy this ones for you. If you watch it with Stacey protect your lap. She doused Melissa with diet coke during the movie. (sorry Stacey) Not something we should forget. I give this 4 our of 5.

Lon's Review:

Horrible..... Do not watch this movie unless you want to stare at a fat John Travolta trying to act like a female!!! I like Travolta but even I couldn't watch this one... I am officially establishing a negative point system for this movie. I give it a -3 out of 5. Awful!!!!!!

PG, 2007

I have this if anyone wants to borrow it.

August Rush

Paula's Review:
This was a good story, but I didn't love the movie. Just a little too cheesy for me. The music is really awesome. Derek actually has started playing some of the songs and they sound really cool. The movie didn't engage any of the kids. I give it 2 out of 5.
Lon's Review:
Didn't see it... But, didn't want to either. I mean really.....
UPDATE from Lon:
Still haven't seen it. That should be a BIG clue!
PG, 2007

The Waterhorse

Paula's Review:
My kids really liked this movie. I did also. The little boy Angus, discovers a strange egg on the shores of the loch by his home. He takes it home and it later hatches. He tries to keep the "water horse" secret from his mom, but it grows rapidly.
Finally his secret is out and the Scottish government, who's military has camped out at his home, mistake the water horse as a submarine and tries to shoot it. This is story is based on the popular children's novel by Dick King-Smith.
This is a great family movie. I give this a 4 out of 5.
Lon's Review:
Haven't seen it yet... But the girls really liked it. I'll update you when I have seen it.
PG, 2007

The Notebook

Paula's Review
Loved this movie. What an ispiring story of Love lasting. Ryan Gosling and Rachel Adams both did great jobs of bringing Nicholas Sparks (The Author) story to life. I read the book and love the movie just as much. I give this a 5 out of 5.
Side note; "The Wedding", also by Nicholas Sparks, is a story about Noah and Allies Daughter. It is also, in my opinion, a must read. Both books give me hope that my marriage and my love for my husband will last forever.
Lon's Review:
Chick flick... Big points boys if you can sit through it with the sweetie. But, be careful about gnawing off the fingers. If you can sit down and eat a whole can of frosting in one sitting, then this "sweet" story should be just about right for you. 3 out of 5...
PG-13, 2004

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fools Gold

Paula's review
Mathew McConaughey(need I say more? he does a great job of making you like him dispite his imperfections. Cate Hudson is great at putting up with his craziness. I would give this a 4 out of 5.

Lon's Review:
I like this one... Treasure hunt, scuba diving, great water and the leading man getting constantly beat up by the leading woman; who could ask for more? It would have been perfect if they had worked space or time travel in there, but you can't have it all. Highly recommended... 5 out of 5

